Author: tommyvaldez1999
all in one
in summary if you subscribe to this site you will be well off in your fitness journey and will know the ins and outs of the gym and the exercises
hello all ! last exercise for the week 5
In this final workout for the week i have selected the shoulders this exercise will help build the bulk of the muscle and give off that wider look the exercise includes dumbbell lateral raises this works the inner center part of the muscle and helps gives off round shoulders to start take light dumbbells and…
hello all ! exercise 4
In this exercise we will be discussing a chest workout in this chest exercise and in this chest exercise I will be going through a simple chest exercise such as the classic dumbbell chest press and in this exercise you will grab a dumbbell of 10 pounds and find a flat bench to lie down…
hello all ! welcome to exercise 3
In this exercise we will cover the back and how to build that christmas tree that everyone wants to start we will be using the lat pull downs and this machine workouts primarily you latissimus dorsi aka your lats. Once you reach the machine you will grab the bar that is suspended in the air…
hello all! exercise 2
In this exercise we will build on from the previous one and target the triceps which are located behind the bicep on the arm in this exercise one of the standard tricep exercise is the cable pull downs. here you are pulling the rope downward with your elbows at your side squeezing the tricep for…
hello all ! first exercise
here is a small yet detailed list of an introductory workout set the following includes 1 classic dumbbell curls now for this exercise I would recommend using like 5-10 pound dumbbell make sure you twist on the way up and contract the muscle as much as you can do 10-12 reps Tommy Valdez it “is…